Sunday, September 12, 2010

VA - Sufi experience

I | II | III | IV | V
PW:Henry's Archive
more NFAK


Arijit said...

Last year also you had posted NFAK, a file of around 158mb size. Do you by any chance still having it with you?

: said...

did you mean:

still active,
and is my all time favorite NFAK!

Arijit said...

I believe the '93's and '88's performance you've reposted at one place above. This five part Sufiana that you've posted is a phenomenal job you've done, but the music in it is mostly like everyday film music. There is one NFAK performance in the end in some of them, but otherwise not so good. Please don't get me wrong, thanks anyways. Keep up the good the 88's performance posted earlier any different than the on posted recently?

: said...

the 88 is the (awesome)same.

: said...

there is a 27-2-'88(Utrecht) and a 22-2-'88(Amsterdam) NFAK